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Leisure and Adventure activities in Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén in the Costa del Sol
The Ecology is important for us in Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén in the Costa del Sol
How to arrive to Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén with Vía Michelin
Schroth Cure in Ecohotel Balneario Puerto de Ojen in the Costa del Sol
Anti-stress package in Ecohotel Balneario Puerto de Ojen in the Costa del Sol
Body and beauty treatments en Ecohotel Balneario Puerto de Ojen in the Costa del Sol


Due to its altitude and higrometria, the hotel is a perfect setting for our programme of activities, designed to purify and regenerate the body and encourage weight loss.

The Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén is a paradise for all lovers of nature, fresh air and healthy living.

The pace of life today, in which stress has become a big problem, transforming our lives, diminishing our free time, and therefore, our eating habits. Something that affects our bodies and not exactly a benefit.

The lack of time undermines our meals, without taking into account that our body needs some essential nutrients. Think about the amount of canned goods, meals, sauces, soups, coffee, pastries, juices, soft drinks ... that are consumed daily. When we take more proteins than needed the liver and kidney overworks, more acid is produced in the stomach, constipation, joint problems, arteries, and so on. At the same time we eat few vegetables, legumes and fruits so the body retains substances non suitable for health and the body acidifies.

When was the last time you felt really good?

With the Personalized Slimming and Revitalization Original Cure we have a natural way, and in a short period of time, to revitalizae our body, with the consequent physical and psychological improvements. To improve our health, we just need to make a cure for several weeks with discipline.


Anti-stress package in Ecohotel Balneario Puerto de Ojen in the Costa del Sol
© Ecohotel Puerto de Ojen 2010