Fill out this form and we will send you information regarding the diferent packages we are offering.
Or contact us:
Tel: 902 509 940 / 951 050 950
Fax: 951 050 959
//Estoy recibiendo el formulario, compongo el cuerpo
$cuerpo = "Mensaje enviado el ".date("d/m/Y").", los datos aparecen abajo:\n\n";
$cuerpo .= "Name: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["nombre"] . "\n";
$cuerpo .= "Telephone: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["telefono"] . "\n";
$cuerpo .= "Email: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["email"] . "\n";
$cuerpo .= "Comments: " . $HTTP_POST_VARS["comentarios"] . "\n";
$cabeceras .= 'From: Packages Offers Form' . "\r\n";
//mando el correo...
mail("","Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén Packages Offers Form",$cuerpo,$cabeceras);
$respuesta ='Shortly you will receive answer to your enquiry.' ;
mail("$_POST[email]","Thank you",$respuesta. "\n" .$cuerpo,$cabeceras);
//doy las gracias por el envío
echo "
Thank you for sending the information.
The form has been succesfully sent.
The team of Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén will contact you shortly to help with the doubts or questions.
All the information you send will be treated in a confidential manner
Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén ";