Here is detailed information on how to arrive to Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén.
Here is a location map to make your arriving to the hotel easier. |
If you need further advice regarding how to arrive to Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén, do not hesitate to contact us and we will guide you in a safe and easy way.
- Leave Málaga Airport
- Continue along N-340
- a.- Without Toll: Turn right: E-15 / A-7 towards Benalmádena / Algeciras
Take the exit towards Marbella / Algeciras
b.- With Toll: Take E-15 / AP-7 (Toll 5.85 €)
- TakeExit 182 towards Ojén
- Take A-355
- Once passed Ojén, Turn rightA-7103
- ArrivalEcohotel Puerto de Ojén
- Leave Gibraltar
- Turn right: E-5 / N-340
- In Los Pastores, continue in: E-5 / N-340 / Calle del Acceso Al Puerto / Carretera A Cádiz / Carretera Nacional 340
- Turn left: E-15 / Autovía del Mediterráneo towards: A-7 / Estepona / Málaga
- Continue in: E-15 / A-7 / Autovía del Mediterráneo
- Take Exit 182 towards Ojén
- Take A-355
- Once passed Ojén, Turn right A-7103
- Arrival Ecohotel Puerto de Ojén